Friday, December 7, 2012

Betes is Sick

It's one thing to have a sick child; Lorelei had a stomach virus that had me up at three in the morning cleaning puke off the bathroom floor, throwing rugs and pajamas in the wash and shampooing then braiding her long hair away from further spew. It sucks. Ashton now has that virus. He's in bed with a climbing fever and a stomachache.

It's another thing to have a sick Betes. Betes is in bed with a dropping blood sugar. And so the dance begins. I've lowered the basal. Waited and BG checked- time for juice. I wake Ashton up and he's a champ, getting about a third of it down before he can't sit up any longer. I put the straw down to his lips and he sips, and sips, and ever-so-slowly sips until he has most of the four ounces down. I lower his basal even more. Then I try with my ever-failing math brain to try to figure out if this is enough. I know that after about 10 minutes his blood sugar will start to rise. I know that 10 minutes after that I'll have a good read at where his blood sugar is heading. But if he pukes before that initial 10 minutes, how much sugar did he get? What if he keeps the juice down and I lowered the basal too much and his sugar starts to spike? That could also make him puke. So, if Betes is on a train from Detroit heading to Baltimore and stomach virus just left Baltimore heading toward Detroit at twice the speed of sugar, collision time would be...

The answer is No Sleep. I gave Ashton the juice and started the stopwatch on my phone. As of this moment he has kept the juice down for 17 minutes. That's a promising start. Soon I will check again. I will check an hour after that. Then an hour after that. Hopefully, we can avoid more sugar. And hoping beyond that is that I didn't lower his basal too much, but that too can get adjusted. And then I will check again, and again, because Betes is very temperamental when he gets sick.