Wednesday, September 3, 2008

There is no point to this post

I am so exhausted. This is the first week of school and Betes has me running. Last week, Ashton was complaining of bad stomach pains so on Friday we went to the doctor and he was diagnosed with a stomach virus that has been going around. Friday, at approximately 8:35 pm, Ashton said he had an ear ache. I started to give him some numbing drops and Motrin, but he soon started screaming and we ended up breaking a few traffic laws to get to the Urgent Care before it closed at 9. He had an ear infection. And all of this is following a cold that he got from his sister the weekend before. So his blood sugar is up, sleep is interrupted (lots of pee breaks in the night) and then he occasionally starts to come down from those highs rather quickly, which means another sleep interruption for a swig of juice. And we are mornings this year! This means we have to be out the door by 8 am to make it to school. This is a problem because my children regularly sleep until 8 or later. So we are all exhausted by the new routine.

When I started this post, I had a point. What it was is a mystery. So I have nowhere to go with what I started writing about. A good writer would just scrap the whole thing. There is never a reason to keep any words that don't tie into the greater picture. However, I said that I was going to take some time for myself today to write, and damn it, I wrote. So here it is: the post with no point.

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