Sunday, October 7, 2012


Chadd met a woman at a JDRF Walk event through Ford, who hooked him up with a bag full of diabetes goodies (that really sounds like an oxymoron, doesn't it?). Anyway, the best part of the package was this bear named Rufus. He wears a JDRF t-shirt, a medical bracelet and has patches where all the various pokes can occur.

This 12 inch bear has been more than a cuddle buddy for Ashton- he has become the family member that understands. Rufus is there for site changes, high ketone vomiting and even gets injections when Ashton does. I think it should be standard procedure to send a Rufus from the hospital with every child diagnosed with this disease. 

This is a bitter-sweet photo for me. I love that Ashton has an object that comforts him, but I'll love it even more when Betes is eliminated from our lives and we can put Rufus into retirement.

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